Monday, June 30, 2014

Digital Native or Digital Immigrant- #2

I would like to think that I'm a digital native but I'm a digital immigrant. I grew up with very limited technology and since I moved to the US and technology became such an integral part of society, I've been drawn to technology. Whenever there's an opportunity to learn about new ways to use and explore technology, I'm in. Whenever there's a chance to integrate technology in the classroom, I'm willing to try it. Because students spend a good chunk of their lives at school, I feel that technology should be taught in our schools. It should be integrated in math, science, english, social studies, music, and art classes. I feel we are doing a dis-service to our students when we do not give the opportunity to learn technology in the classrooms.
This link gives us some ideas on how to make technology part of our classrooms.
This article teaches us how to engage students with iPods. So many of my students have iPods or iPads.
This is an interesting article that explains how blogger and blogging has been integrated in the curriculum and how 5th graders use it in their classrooms.
Lastly, this article describes the benefits of technology in the classroom. They call it "blended learning".

If videos are the way to go with you, here's a video that explains how to integrate technology in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Cristina,
    Thanks for posting these links. They are really great and gave me some good ideas that I might possibly use with my class.
